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Module gr_e171tomses

    gr_e171tomses - a GRToolbox module
    Reads in special input format which allows to distinguish
    between sets and its components.
    A set can be split up in several components.
    Sets and components are marked by separator lines that should
    include two separted integers (set- and component-number).
    -[component sep1 sep2 set
h o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
    -help    For help on all options.
Special Options:
    -component int     Select component to be printed (Default: all sets)
    -sep1 string    Separator between components (Default: 999. 999.)
    -sep2 string    Separator between sets (Default: &)
    -set int    Select Set to be printed (Default: all sets)

Jens Trapp
Wed Jun 12 20:34:13 MET DST 1996