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Module gr_merge_adjacent

    gr_merge_adjacent - a GRToolbox module
    Merge all adjacent sets. For all sets it is checked,
     if the endpoint is close (within an epsilon box) to the startpoint 
    of any other set.
    -[down eps x xeps y yeps z zeps 0 1 ... n 0eps 1eps ... neps 
    h o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
    -help    For help on all options.
Special Options:
    -down        Check the sets in reversed order.
    -eps float    Accurracy. (Default : 0)
    -x        Test only x-coordinate.
    -xeps float    Accuracy for x coordinate.
    -y        Test only x-coordinate.
    -yeps float    Accuracy for y coordinate.
    -z        Test only x-coordinate.
    -zeps float    Accuracy for z coordinate.

Jens Trapp
Wed Jun 12 20:34:13 MET DST 1996