Module gr_smooth

gr_smooth - a GRToolbox module
Smoothing and interpolation with any difference equation.
The smoothneth can be controled by the coeffecient lambda and
by the order of differences taken.
Data can only be smoothed in one direction.
Different weights can be used.
-[ diff lambda coord x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... weight dweight equi square euclidianh o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-lambda double Smoothing factor. (Default: 2)
(Higher value is smoother)
-diff int Order of difference equation. (Default: 2)
(Higher value is smoother. Value Range:1-5)
-coord int Coordinate Number to be smoothed. (Default: 1)
-x Smooth x-coordinate (Same as -coord 0)
-y Smooth y-coordinate (Same as -coord 1)
-z Smooth z-coordinate (Same as -coord 2)
-1 Smooth x-coordinate (Same as -coord 0)
-2 Smooth y-coordinate (Same as -coord 1)
-3 Smooth z-coordinate (Same as -coord 2)
-4 Smooth 4th-coordinate (Same as -coord 4)
-N Smooth Nth-coordinate (Same as -coord nN
-weight int Weight coordinate number.
-dweight int Difference of coordinate pt[i+1]-pt[i-1].
-equi Equidistant weights.
-euclidian Take the euclidian length of polygon
pt[i+1], pt[i], pt[i-1] as weights (DEFAULT).
-square Take the square length of polygon
pt[i+1], pt[i], pt[i-1] as weights.
(Strong weights=>Curves not that smooth)
Example Input Data:
@title "gr_smooth: No test data available"
Example Output Data:
@title "gr_smooth: No test data available"

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