Module gr_transform

gr_transform - a GRToolbox module
Translation and scaling of 2 or 3D point data.
Giving no option means a simple copy of the data.
Allows complex transformation by giving a trans-.
formation matrix as a first set (of one dim higher
then the points).
-[tx ty tz sx sy szh o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-matrix take first set as matrix for transformation.
The transformation matrix has to have
(dimension +1 x dimension+1) values.
Translations have to apper in the last column, Scaling
factors inthe first dim diagonal elements
-scale double Scale_factor for all coordinates.
-blow double Same as -scale.
-t0 double Value of translate 1.coordinate.
-t1 double Value of translate 2.coordinate.
-tn double Value of translate n.coordinate.
-s0 double Scale factor 1.coordinate.
-s1 double Scale factor 2.coordinate.
-sn double Scale factor n.coordinate.
-tx double Value of translate in x-direction.
-ty double Value of translate in y-direction.
-tz double Value of translate in z-direction.
-sx double Value of scaling in x-direction.
-sy double Value of scaling in y-direction.
-sz double Value of scaling in z-direction.
-aoc Do transformation on comment point data also.
The comment on which this works must be of the type:
#comment test: x y
-action_on_comment see -aoc.
Translation will be calculated before scaling
Example Input Data:
@title "Example will 0 torque."
-1 1.22465e-16
-0.5 0.866025
0.5 0.866025
1 0
-1 1.22465e-16
-0.5 -0.866025
0.5 -0.866025
1 -2.44929e-16
Example Output Data:
@title "Example will 0 torque."
-1 1.22465e-16
-0.5 0.866025
0.5 0.866025
1 0
-1 1.22465e-16
-0.5 -0.866025
0.5 -0.866025
1 -2.44929e-16

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